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Electrical Tests

Electrical Tests - Image

These tests are required for cabinets manufactured to the 1992 standard or earlier, but are not required for cabinets manufactured to the 2002 standard. The 2002 standard requires being UL Listed.

Current Leakage - determine leakage of current to ground through faulty wire connections, insulation, etc.

Ground Circuit Resistance - determine resistance between ground on power plug and cabinet metal surfaces

Polarity - checking to make sure the hot line and neutral wires aren’t switched

GFI Testing - checking to determine if GFI breaker will trip when there is leakage from hot to ground wire


Lighting - Image
  • Taken at the center line of the work surface front to back at specified intervals

  • No less that 60 foot-candles with a background of 10 ± 5 foot-candles (108 lumens/m2)


Vibration - Image
  • A single reading taken in the center of the work surface

  • No greater than 0.002 inch RMS (Root Mean Square) net


Noise - Image
  • Reading taken 15" (38 cm) up from the work surface, 12" (30 cm) out from the viewscreen, at the center of the cabinet

  • No more that 70 decibels with a background of 57 decibels

UV Light Check

  • (not part of the NSF test) A single reading taken in the geometric center of the work area.

  • Greater than 40 microwatts/square centimeter at the work surface

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